Sunday 17 October 2010


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a scripting language that was designed for web development into dynamic web sites, it is usually embedded within the HTML source. It is used  as the processor for most web servers.


JavaScript is a programming language typically used with website design to help enhance the page with better interactions which can help to develop a dynamic website. Java can also be used outside of web design making it a useful program.


HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and it is the main tool that is used in website design. It allows for images and objects to be embedded as well as text to easily create structured pages. Scripts can also be added such as JavaScript.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Bad Website Design

There are alot of common mistakes that people make when they design a website. Below are a few of those;

1 - When there is not enough contrast between the text and the background which makes it harder to read.

2 - If the text is to big, small or stretched across the page it doesnt help to make page look good. Also if paragraphs are all bold, italic or underlined it starts to look stupid.

 3 - Too many graphics or overly large and pointless graphics make the page look cluttered and will make people leave the page.

4 Too many animations or animations that blink or flash, same with adverts. Its really annoying.

5 - If theres no navigation bar or unclear links to other pages. Also if theres orphan or dead links. Shows bad design and that theres been little updating of the site.
6 - Finally lack of consistency.

Good Website Design

These sites can be considered to have a good website design. What makes them good designs is that;

1 - The background doesn't get in the way of the text on the page meaning its easier to read.

2 - Navigating the page is easy to read because the navigation bars and buttons are easy to use.

3 - They will have a site map to help with navigating the site.

4 - Images aren't to big, which doesn't clutter up the page.

5 - The other pages look like they belong to the site by using a consistent design and layout.

6 - There is not to many adverts cluttering up the pages.